​​U.S. Patented

Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Spacecraft

Who We Are:   Functional Experience Graphical Representation

​​Leadership:   Founder - Homi N. Amirmokri, P.E. Homi is a licensed & registered professional nuclear engineer.  As such, he enjoys his continuing education and training, particularly with respect to taking short courses on emerging technologies; and currency on applied lessons learned—to meeting the standard of qualification, and [to] protect advance: (1) public safety, health, and welfare, (2) assets, and (3) the environment.  Homi is a lifelong learner, a technology developer, an entrepreneur, an inventor, and a U.S. patent holder, which is comprised of the fundamental design for a space-based, nuclear propulsion spacecraft for deep space journeys.  He has over 30 years of practice and nuclear consultancy.  That includes about 10 years in the private sector, and nearly 20 years with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).  During his tenure with DOE, Homi was recognized by the Secretary of Energy for his work on advanced nuclear reactors. While he is proud to be recognized on a national scale, Homi is most honored to serve clients like you every day. 

Our History:   The Company & Its Early Years — Gen IV Nuclear Energy Systems Services was established in order to bring to completion a comprehensive approach to nuclear energy safety, sustainability, and economic competitiveness.  For five years following his departure from DOE, Homi concentrated his efforts and focused on the next generation nuclear energy systems, enhancing reactor safety, addressing used‑fuel issues, fuel cycle analyses, and regulatory issues interlaced with the socioeconomic and sociopolitical considerations (i.e., Product development stage).  The culmination of his activities is comprised of applied research, including academic and professional R&D, encompassing the following areas:

  • Advanced (Gen IV) Reactors Concept Development, Resolving Technology Gaps, and Safety Assessment,
  • Advanced Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) Analysis, 
  • Design review and licensability assessment for new plants (Gen IV) including regulatory crosswalk to 10 CFR Part 52 standard,
  • Sustainable nuclear fuel-cycle options, including symbiotic (Gen IV) vs. exploitational (LWRs) fuel cycles; based on fast & thermal spectrum systems,
  • Back‑End of Nuclear Fuel (including used‑fuel recycling and disposition) and Closing of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle,
  • Risk Assessment (e.g., unknown unknowns) and Mitigation,
  • Severe Accident Analyses and Management,
  • Consequence Analyses and Source Term Reduction,
  • Fukushima related activities, including lessons learned for current and future nuclear systems,
  • Systems Analyses,
  • Safety Analysis,
  • Safety Evaluation,  
  • Assessing / Building Corporate Bench-Strength, and
  • Leadership & Management.

Philanthropy:   Contribution — Gen IV Nuclear Energy Systems Services is committed to a program of philanthropy that supports the company's strategic goal of achieving 100% Nonintermittent Green Energy nationwide.

Funding Guidelines inquiries may be sent to: guidelines.inquiries@GenIVNuclearEnergySystems.com